Mairie de Biéville-Beuville - rue du Général de Gaulle - 14112 BIÉVILLE-BEUVILLE - Téléphone :

Archives de la catégorie: La commune et son histoire

Les archives enfouies

Les fouilles archéologiques conduites depuis le milieu du XIXè siècle ont permis de dégager d'innombrables témoignages permettant de savoir que l'actuel territoire communal fut occupé à partir du néolithique. Plus de cinquante sites ont été recensés ce qui est exceptionnel BIEVILLE-BEUVILLE fut occupé sans discontinue durant près de 7 000 ans. Deux sites présentent...

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Les maires de Biéville-Beuville

Les Maires de Beuville de 1791 à 1972

1791 - 1792 M. Jacques LUCAS 1792 - 1793M. Jean BUISSON 1793 - 1796M. Jacques LUCAS 1796 (avril - mai) M. Jean-Jacques GODEFROY 1796 - 1807 M. Jean BUISSON 1807 - 1830 M. Louis LECOCQ DE BEUVILLE 1830 - 1833 M. Guillaume LETELLIER 1833 - 1838 M. Pierre AUBERT 1838 - 1840 M. Jean-Baptiste LOUIS 1840 -...
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Outreval manor 

Outreval manor 16th centuryThe name d'Outreval was first mentioned in 1474. The d'Outreval fief was then held by a squire named Jehan Cordhomme.A century later, Jacques I of Baillehache acquired it either by purchase or through a dowry. As Seigneur of Rubercy and d'Outreval, he commanded the construction of this seignorial manor along the road...
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Manor of the Valley

Manor of the Valley 17th centuryThis manor's main feature is its frontage, which includes two large mullioned windows and a low-ceiling door, all of them decorated with curly bracket carvings at their top. An heraldic lion with a dense mane, taking away either a child or a prey, adorns the right side gable. An eight-paneled...
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Manor Le Cocq

Manor Le Cocq 17 th centuryThe manor and its wellThe LeCocq family from Biéville had a major influence on the town through the centuries. Successful bidders of the farm fiefdom* of Biéville and lords of the place, the family requested the manor’s construction in 1632. This date is embossed on the building’s frontage.In the middle of...
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The Oppidum and the harbour

The Oppidum and the harbourAntiquity Lower Dan valley port facility Influence of the Orne during AntiquityThe spur of la Grande Roche, which stands before you, has been a site occupied by humans since at least the Neolithic Period. Overlooking the Orne River, it was a highly strategic point to control the valley.Older excavations (in 1914 and 1925)...
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Balleroy manor

Balleroy manor  18th centurythe rear facade overlooks a vast park sloping gently down the Dan valleyThe oldest text mentioning 'the great manor' on 'the King’s road' dates back to the 16th century. A document certified in 1598 indeed mentioned that the property belonged to "Jacques Tabouret, husband of Anne of Balleroy and legal representative of...
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Château de Bieville

Château de Bieville 18th centuryThe west facade of the château (garden side)At the death of the seigneur de Beuville, Nicolas Lecocq, in 1770, the land was split between his two sons. The Beuville property went to his eldest son Jacques, while the fiefdoms of Rubercy, D’Outreval, and the Valley were given to his youngest son...
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Church Notre-Dame

Church Notre-Dame 17th centuryThis romanesque style church was built during the 11th and 12th century. The oldest mention of this building can be found in one of the most precious artifact kept in Calvados’ archives, namely the Montgomery’s Charter from 1080, which is a compilation of contributions made made by high profile members of William...
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Church St PIERRE

Church St PIERRE 17th centuryThe Saint Peter dedicated church was built in the 11th century but went under major rework both in the 17th and 19th century.The oldest mention of the church dates back to the 12th century when Simon de Beuville partially donated the Beuville parish to the Saint-Etienne Abbey in Caen.At the heart...
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